The NSFW AI, or Not Safe For Work Artificial Intelligence works as a way to teach machines rights and wrongs by using advance machine learning techniques for real-time filtering of not safe content. This technology is also essential for the general well-being of countless online platforms which necessitates constant moderation over user-generated content. The NSFW AI makes use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), a type of deep neural networks are basically utilized for image recognition, to detect explicit images/videos.
Certainly, their model has been getting much better at identifying when an image is or isn't NSFW. In a recent study by OpenAI, their models were able to detect explicit content with an accuracy as high 95%, this could effectively help minimize the chances of inappropriate contents slipping through. For this to happen, the AI model needs a lot of training using millions and even billions of images to be able for it to distinguish safe content from explicit effectively, which causes high precision.
You will need industry terms like precision and recall when it comes to understanding performance of your NSFW AI. While precision is the fraction of correctly identified explicit content with all flagged by AI, and recall is the available actual explicit content that has been predicted as true explicitly. For NSFW AI to work, it requires less false positives meaning high precision and as few missed explicit content bits flow in the output i.e. High recall! According to OpenAI's study, their model can achieve an accuracy of 94% and a recall rate of more than 91%, which is an excellent result.
For instance, major social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter employ a NSFW AI. Millions of people flood to these platforms - which combined process billions images uploaded daily - and use the power of NSFW AI all day round, combing through new uploads so that as few explicit nudity or other sensitive content reaches users. It works out by analysing the visual content of images and videos, comparing them with some known patterns for explicit material which is when a match is found it can be notified.
During a tech conference last year, Elon Musk-the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla-spoke about the significance regarding Artificial Intelligence in managing data generated on social platforms: "Artificial intelligence is necessary for content moderation. We would actually be a victim of bad content because we do not Any one should.
NSFW AI are real-time, meaning platfroms can react to new uploads immediately. This is crucial for meeting the speed requirements that are required to establish users trust and security. Approximately 62% of internet users have been the target or victim of online harassment, as reported by Pew Research Center which creates a great demand for efficient systems against these issues like NSFW AI.
In addition to pictures and videos, NSFW AI is also able to effectively automatically detect adult content in text. This means that the bot uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods to examine and sort foul speech in comments, messages or posts. This corner-to-corner focus on indecency literally eradicates every possible kind of adult material.
Those of you who would like to learn more about NSFW AI, please check nsfw ai site. This technology evolves still today as research focuses on increasing accuracy and augmenting it to new content types.